Created by Maurice Benayoun, one of the pioneers of contemporary digital art, Value Of Values is a unique artistic experience that allows visitors to create directly with their minds.
This interactive installation, at the crossroads of art and neuroscience, allows the public to generate shapes in response to key words that correspond to universal human values such as power, money, love, compassion, intelligence, etc…
Wearing an encephalographic headset (EEG) that captures brain waves, the visitor will be able to produce a three-dimensional shape and contribute to the evolution of this image. 42 values crossing the history of our civilizations are integrated into this device which operates an instantaneous reading of our emotions in front of the words and gives birth, as by magic, a contemporary digital work. The neuro-generated form is then numbered and registered on the blockchain where it becomes NFT, a crypto-value whose owner is the visitor. The visitor is then free to collect, sell or exchange it, thus revealing on a planetary scale the relative value of human values.
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Considered one of the leaders of digital creation, Maurice Benayoun (aka MoBen or 莫奔), is a prolific artist, a driving force of his time. Her work far exceeds technological practices, ranging from photography to video, installation to performance, fiction to art theory, virtual reality, urban installation and augmented reality. It plays a major role in the field of new media and computer-generated imagery, notably through H2H (Human to Human Lab), an organization it created for research on emerging media and their aesthetic and social implications.
Maurice Benayoun’s work has been widely rewarded in international events and exhibited in major international museums.
Delegated production : SECONDE NATURE and ZINC
Creation realized with the platform CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS, supported by the DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the city of Marseille and the Institut Français in Paris. In coproduction with La Fruitière Numérique. With the support of Perspective[s] and CITS. In partnership with Next Sound Lab and EDF.