Delgado-Fuchs (CH)

Immersive, choreographic experience
In co-production with Ballet Preljocaj / Pavillon Noir

Pavillon Noir

Fri. Jan 17: 18h, 18h50, 19h40, 21h, 21h50, 22h40
Sat. Jan. 18: 6pm, 6.50pm, 7.40pm, 9pm, 9.50pm, 10.40pm
Running time : 45 min

Prices: from €10 to €25
On sale through our partner Ballet Preljocaj / Pavillon Noir

TOPEEP SECRET BOX is an exclusive experience in an unusual setting—an immersive, whimsical choreographic UFO inspired by the principle of the peep show. You can see without being seen or sometimes while being seen. Each glance calls into question the status of reality, caught in a constant movement between proximity and distance. A fascination orchestrated as much for the hidden as for the unveiled.

With this new group piece, we continue our work of variation around the body, questioning the intimacy in the collective experience with our trademark “physical” and offbeat approach. Welcome aboard! “The hidden is the other side of a presence. The power of absence, if we attempt to describe it, brings us back to the power held, unequally, by certain real objects: they designate, behind them, a magical space; they are the index of something they are not.” Le voile de Poppée de Jean Starobinski

Credits & mentions

Projects presented in co-production with Pavillon Noir.

© Stéphane Millet



creation 2024

Direction, concept and stage Delgado Fuchs 

Collaboration choreography and performance Alexia Casciaro, Marco Delgado, Nadine Fuchs, Lalla Morte, Natalia Pieczuro

Scenography design Adrien Rovero

Technical management Jérôme Vernez, Manu Giroux

Light design Jérôme Vernez, Hugo Cahn

Music and sound design Clive Jenkins

Costumes delgado fuchs, design by Lena Quist

Outside eye Alexandra Bachzetsis

Collaboration and production Rosine Bey

Production Association Goldtronics

Residencies Espace Amaretto – Lausanne, Le Grütli – Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants – Genève, Le Centquatre – Paris

Special thanks to Antonino Tramparulo et Maurizio Tempesta – Tempesta Tramparulo, Susanne Fuchs, Nadja Imhof, Barbara Giongo, Anne Kersting, Cie La Bocca della Luna – Muriel Imbach, Numero23Prod. – Massimo Furlan, festival de La Cité, Association Goldtronics committee 

Supports Loterie Romande, Ville de Lausanne, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Fondation Ernst Göhner, SSA – Société suisse des auteurs – bourse chorégraphique, SIS Fondations suisse des artistes interprètes,  Fondation Suisa.

The collective Delgado Fuchs is the beneficiary of a grant from the State of Vaud for the pre-determined duration of the years 2021-2023 & 2024.