Installation immersive CHRONIQUES CRÉATION
Sat. and Sun. from 18 Jan. 2025 to Feb. 9, 2025
Running time: 40 min.
Full price: €6
Capacity limited to 30 people
At the Cité des arts de la rue – Marseille
School screenings:
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23, 24, 30 and 31 and February 6 and 7, 2025.
Sessions: 9 am, 10 am, 2 pm and 3:30 pm
En amour is an immersive and interactive experience, at the crossroads of the performing arts, performance art and visual arts installation. This work offers the chance to experience a symbolic metamorphosis around the theme of love and separation. Its narrative is rooted in an intimate story, opening up to greater, to share a journey of sensations, emotions, shapes, colours, sounds and words that will awaken, deglaze and strengthen our love. En amour is part of a serie of Rituals conceived by artistic company Adrien M & Claire B as spaces for experimentation, both collective and intimate, and placed under the auspices of a powerful gentleness.The installation-experience Last minute, first of this series, created in 2022 is a ritual of care for the dead. The project En amour, a ritual for restoring love, continues this series of Rituals.
Production: Musée de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris
Adrien M & Claire B
Executive Production: Adrien M & Claire B
Music Executive Production: Matthieu Gazier / Ekleroshock records
Coproduction: Chroniques – Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques, Archaos – Biennale Internationale des Arts du Cirque, and Lieux Publics – Centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public and pôle européen de création, as part of the CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS platform.
Help and support: With the support of Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
Fonds [SCAN] – Préfet de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Residency at the Villa Albertine – French Embassy in the United States
Adrien M & Claire B is supported by DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and supported by the City of Lyon.
Special thanks to Charlotte Farcet, Stéfanie James, Philippe Chaurand, Tamás Nagy
The company Adrien M & Claire B places its work in the field of digital arts since 2004. Its creations are performances and exhibitions, that associate reality and virtuality. Its specificity is the custom-made development of its computing tools. Among the artistic and technological stakes, the attention is focused on the human being and its body, by using contemporary tools in the service of a timeless poetry, developing and using a visual language based on game and pleasure as mediums of the imagination. Today, the company counts around 30 collaborators. Its headquarter and production offices are based in Lyon (Rhône, France). Villa Aphéa, its research and creation venue, is located in Crest (Drôme, France). Part of the venue’s equipment was acquired with help from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. The company is subsidised and accredited in France by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. It is also supported by the City of Lyon.
Concept, artistic direction, images and set design: Claire Bardainne, Adrien Mondot
Composition, sound design, saxophone: Laurent Bardainne
Story concept and writing: Claire Bardainn
IT design and development: Adrien Mondot, Eva Décorps, Loïs Drouglazet
Stage manager: Jean-Marc Lanoë
Sound engineering, mix: Thibaut Javoy
Narration voice: Claire Bardainne
Vocals : November Ultra
Horn: Camille Lebréquier
Strings: Oriane Pocard Kieny, Théo Ceccaldi, Valentin Ceccaldi
Harp: Christophe ‘Disco’ Minck
Piano and synthesizers: Arnaud Roulin
Dramaturgical consultant: Karthika Naïr
Thanks to Charlotte Farcet, Stéfanie James, Philippe Chaurand, Tamás Nagy
Administration: Marek Vuiton, assisted by Ana Vergeau
Technical director: Raphaël Guénot
Production and distribution: Joanna Rieussec, Adèle Béhar
Production: Margaux Fritsch, Delphine Teypaz, Juli Allard-Schaefer