Immersive sound installation

Seuil is an invitation to visit an interstice, a space between worlds, by exploring the acquisition of a new language and by forging ties to mineral, plant and imagined populations.

These movements and encounters, taking place in a past somewhere between frightful and Edenic and a future holding either Apocalypse or salvation, create a space for shared exchange, from which resources for metamorphosis can be drawn.

Here, the imaginary is conjured by the voice (acoustic and played over speakers) and by manifold audio (physical and skeletal, surround sound, proximity), creating spaces for listening and perception suited to disturbing our frame of mind, suspending us in a hypnagogic state (between wakefulness and sleep), and summoning a vaster Us.

© Clément Edouard

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Clément Édouard

A composer and audio artist, Clément Édouard focuses on the nature of sound, his field of vibration and his perception, and his relationship with natural places and materials to create listening experiences that are simultaneously imaginary, physical, internal… He fosters a unique relationship with the vocal and the subtle, and delves particularly into notions of lightness and intensity, of the presence/absence of natural/composed echoes. His approach looks like an exploration, which he indulges by discerning zones of shadow, identifying mysteries, and by mapping it out.

Credits & mentions

Clément Édouard: concept, composition
Melina Faka: scenography, artistic collaboration 
Light creation Lumière : Guillaume Cousin
Voice : Marie Nachury, Anne Davienne, Viviane Balsiger, Gilles Poizat, Antoine Mermet and Greg Gilg
Hypnotics support and consultancy :  Marie Lisel
Neuroscience support and consultancy : Fabien Perrin 
Music and IT consultancy and developmente :  Julien Bayle
Production : Laura Zeguers

Creation realized in coproduction with the platform CHRONIQUES CREATIONS, supported by the DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the City of Marseille and the French Institute in Paris.

Delegated production: MAGE.

Coproduction: La péniche La Pop & Le Théâtre de Vanves, GMEM — Centre national de création musicale, GMEA (CNCM – Albi) and RAMDAM, un centre d’art.

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