


This both threatening and poetical hybrid sculpture exploits the dualism of the carpet and of the drone.

Through the figures of the magic carpet and the drone, an ultra-technological machine, the artist questions the use of drones and evokes the ancestral dream of flying, a magical and dangerous adventure.

Satelliten, Quadrature, Biennale of Digital Imagination 2018 © Pierre Gondard

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Quadrature (GER)

This Berlin collective is made up of Julian Götz and Sebastian Neitsch and formerly Jan Bernstein (until 2016). Graduates from the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle, Germany, the three of them all share a common interest in robotics, machinery, light and space. As Quadrature, they produce art at the intersection of the physical and digital worlds where art and science meet.

Credits & acknowledgements

Coproduction Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditérranée, Ingénierie et pilotage Vé Production.

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