
claire malrieux

Generative graphic work on screen

DreamBank is a generative graphic work on screen that reveals the dream of a machine.

It refers to Wiliam Domhoff’s theory of the “wandering mind” and engages the enunciating power of the drawing in a sensitive apprehension of the issues raised by the current developments of AI.

The program travels through our dreams. It goes through their stories, crosses the events and the recurrent motives that inhabit them. Between memory and projection, it analyzes our dreamy unconscious to create its environment. What he draws is uncertain. It responds to mathematical injunctions but its logic is that of the wandering of a sensitive organism that reacts to the emotional information of the environment in which it evolves. His dream takes the form of a graphic fabulation, generated and told in real time by the machine.

By its continuous character linked to the generative form, DreamBank proposes a representation in which we cannot anticipate and define a trajectory or a history. Only what appears in the sensitive space, as it is, counts.

© Claire Malrieux
© Claire Malrieux

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Claire Malrieux (FR)

Claire Malrieux graduated from Ensba in 2000. She co-founded Mix Editions with the other members of the collective with whom she worked from 2000 to 2006. Her collective practice has led her to experiment with the conditions of circulation of the narrative through hybrid forms where editions, history and fictions are mixed. In 2014, she benefited from a research residency at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris where she laid the foundations for her current work and exhibited a first online algorithmic graphic work. Since then, she has been developing the Hyperdrawing project in which she alternates research phases, technical experiments and productions of generative graphic works. Her latest works engage the enunciative power of drawing in a reflection on the narrative and speculative perspectives of algorithmic thinking. Her work is regularly shown in France and abroad and is the subject of acquisitions in various private collections. She exhibited Climat Général, a generative graphic work, at the Venice Biennale and at the Collège des Bernardins in 2017 and became a “Contemporary Talents” laureate of the François Schneider Foundation in 2018.

Crédits & mentions

Conception et création graphique : Claire Malrieux.

Création sonore : Alexandre Dubreuil.

Création algorithmique : Sebastien Courvoisier.

Avec le soutien de Brouillon d’un rêve écriture et formes émergentes de la Scam – Soutien au développement et production du Dicréam – Aide à la production Fondation des Artistes – AIC-Drac île-de-France 2019.

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