En Amour

Adrien M & Claire B

Installation immersive CHRONIQUES CRÉATION


Sat. and Sun. from 18 Jan. 2025 to Feb. 9, 2025

Running time: 40 min.

Full price: €6

Capacity limited to 30 people

At the Cité des arts de la rue – Marseille

School screenings:
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23, 24, 30 and 31 and February 6 and 7, 2025.
Sessions: 9 am, 10 am, 2 pm and 3:30 pm

En amour is an immersive and interactive experience, at the crossroads of the performing arts, performance art and visual arts installation. This work offers the chance to experience a symbolic metamorphosis around the theme of love and separation. Its narrative is rooted in an intimate story, opening up to greater, to share a journey of sensations, emotions, shapes, colours, sounds and words that will awaken, deglaze and strengthen our love. En amour is part of a serie of Rituals conceived by artistic company Adrien M & Claire B as spaces for experimentation, both collective and intimate, and placed under the auspices of a powerful gentleness.The installation-experience Last minute, first of this series, created in 2022 is a ritual of care for the dead. The project En amour, a ritual for restoring love, continues this series of Rituals.

Mentions & credits

Production: Musée de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris
Adrien M & Claire B
Executive Production: Adrien M & Claire B
Music Executive Production: Matthieu Gazier / Ekleroshock records
Coproduction: Chroniques – Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques, Archaos – Biennale Internationale des Arts du Cirque, and Lieux Publics – Centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public and pôle européen de création, as part of the CHRONIQUES CRÉATIONS platform.
Help and support: With the support of Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
Fonds [SCAN] – Préfet de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Residency at the Villa Albertine – French Embassy in the United States

Adrien M & Claire B is supported by DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and supported by the City of Lyon.

Special thanks to Charlotte Farcet, Stéfanie James, Philippe Chaurand, Tamás Nagy


Concept, artistic direction, images and set design: Claire Bardainne, Adrien Mondot
Composition, sound design, saxophone: Laurent Bardainne
Story concept and writing: Claire Bardainn
IT design and development: Adrien Mondot, Eva Décorps, Loïs Drouglazet
Stage manager: Jean-Marc Lanoë
Sound engineering, mix: Thibaut Javoy
Narration voice: Claire Bardainne
Vocals : November Ultra
Horn: Camille Lebréquier
Strings: Oriane Pocard Kieny, Théo Ceccaldi, Valentin Ceccaldi
Harp: Christophe ‘Disco’ Minck
Piano and synthesizers: Arnaud Roulin
Dramaturgical consultant: Karthika Naïr
Thanks to Charlotte Farcet, Stéfanie James, Philippe Chaurand, Tamás Nagy
Administration: Marek Vuiton, assisted by Ana Vergeau
Technical director: Raphaël Guénot
Production and distribution: Joanna Rieussec, Adèle Béhar
Production: Margaux Fritsch, Delphine Teypaz, Juli Allard-Schaefer