
Cie Pulso, Rocio Berenguer

Dance performance | video | burlesque

Fatigue, stress, bad posture, our body is badly treated in our daily work or in the way we move.

But to remedy this, Ergonomics has solutions. It promises us maximum comfort, safety and efficiency for our bodies in the future if we put its advice into practice…
Ergonomics is a fake ‘innovative company’ that uses and misuses the codes of ‘start-up’ and ‘innovation’ discourse.

During a danced and burlesque conference, in which the spectators are invited to participate, the strange Ergonomics team sells its services, with a certain taste for the absurd and the ironic.

Ergonomics, Cie Pulso, Rocio Berenguer, Biennale des Imaginaires Numériques 2018 © Jacok Krist

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Rocio Berenguer (ESP)

Born in 1987 in Spain, Rocio Berenguer has been living in France since 2012 and is interested in the major challenges and changes of our contemporary world – including the evolution of spaces of individual freedom within our society, the place of technology in our daily lives, environmental issues… Her creations are forward-looking fictions that explore the possibility of «another tomorrow». They also implicitly refer to our contemporary neuroses.

For each creation, Rocio begins a work of investigation and dialogue with scientists that generates a text that then matches with other materials, preferring to hybridize different mediums – text, dance, videos, digital art – rather than restrict herself to a single practice. The use of new technologies that are very present in her work is not a fascination but a desire to integrate them into poetic writing while questioning how these technologies, omnipresent in our lives, modify our interpersonal relationships.

In the end, it is the body that is the centre and the point of convergence of her work. The body visited by the social codes of behaviour, the body at the centre of identity, representation and desire issues. The body threatened in its freedom and sovereignty by the arrangements of neocapitalism, the body as territory to be reclaimed.

Credits & mentions


Director, Author and Choreographer: Rocio Berenguer
Director and dancer: Marja Christians
Dancer: Kevin Table, Patric Sean Gee-Hou Kuo (KUO NINJA, The house of ninja )
Graphic design: Grégoire Belot
Researcher and Dancer: Sarah Fdili Alaoui
Researcher, developer and performer: Ignacio Avellino
Cameraman: Hector di Napoli and Nayan Ducruet
Musical composition and stage management: Léopold Frey
Sound design / Smartbody video: Cubenx
Stage manager: Sylvain Delbart

A Pulso and Décalab production, with the support of the CDA, D’Enghien-les-Bains, Paris.


CDA D’Enghien-les-Bains, Paris, France / N+N Corsino, Marseille, France / TransportTheater, Munich, Germany / Système Castafiore, Grasse, France / Sophien Saelen, Berlin, Germany / Theatre Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin, Germany / KLAP, Maison pour la danse, Marseille, France / Le Hublot, Nice, France / Drac Ile de France, Laboratoire LIF de L’université Aix-Marseille / La diagonale Paris-Saclay (Paris)


AADN – Arts et cultures numériques, Lyon

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