CHRONIQUES Production 2018
Combining experimental sciences and dreamlike universes, the artist drew inspiration from Hans Cousto’s mathematical-sonic research and Plato’s theory of ‘The Harmony of the Spheres’ to transpose the movement of the planets in to something audible. These sounds are bewitching and graceful, and seem to be inhabited by different personalities. Here, sound is the triggering element, it precedes form.The visual representation of recorded sound uses cymatics: sonic vibration is made visible on the water and then each vibration-planet is colored according to its colorimetric value.
Eight light projectors then project the resulting represen- tation onto the walls to the rhythm of the symphony. Each planet, in turn, begins to move around the sun in a dance of elusive waves.
Because if ‘symphony’ refers to music, ‘vagabond’ refers to the planets. The etymology of the planet comes from what the Greeks called ‘Planetês’, which means ‘wande- ring’, ‘vagabond’. In Greek astronomy, these planets were defined in opposition to fixed stars.
13 – 15 nov. 2018
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As a plastic artist,his approach includes both a creative di- mension and important theoretical research.For the artist, these two aspects are inseparable and their combination constitutes the dynamic that allows him to deepen his artistic creations.Yoann Ximenes explores the influential relationships between the sound universe and the physi- cal world. The objective of his research is to think about the performative process within artistic creation itself.His approach includes both practical experimentation and theoretical elaboration on questions of correspondence between image and sound; the embodiment of sounds in images and three-dimensional objects.
This artwork is a creation of the Chroniques production and distribution platform.
Distribution : La Ville A des Arts – Paris