Interactive installation

What future for the human species? Far from the catastrophist scenarios carried by the media, Rocio Berenguer imagines a utopia, an interspecies meeting where the different kingdoms of living beings – human, animal, plant, mineral, machine – are invited to negotiate together around the possibilities of their coexistence.

The installation is an inter-species / intra-living communication system to communicate with all the various forms of terrestrial life.

This system is based on the idea of using the Earth’s magnetic field as a system and medium of communication between all lifeforms on Earth. The earth’s magnetosphere is also made of the lithosphere, magnetized rocks on the earth’s crust, among which the main one is called magnetite.

By encoding and recording messages on magnetite, the Lythosys system allows to send information on the Earth’s magnetic network. Each participant is asked to code a message on the stone.

© Rocio Berenguer
© Rocio Berenguer

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Rocio Berenguer (ESP)

Born in 1987 in Spain, Rocio Berenguer has been living in France since 2012 and is interested in the major challenges and changes of our contemporary world – including the evolution of spaces of individual freedom within our society, the place of technology in our daily lives, environmental issues… Her creations are forward-looking fictions that explore the possibility of «another tomorrow». They also implicitly refer to our contemporary neuroses.

For each creation, Rocio begins a work of investigation and dialogue with scientists that generates a text that then matches with other materials, preferring to hybridize different mediums – text, dance, videos, digital art – rather than restrict herself to a single practice. The use of new technologies that are very present in her work is not a fascination but a desire to integrate them into poetic writing while questioning how these technologies, omnipresent in our lives, modify our interpersonal relationships.

In the end, it is the body that is the centre and the point of convergence of her work. The body visited by the social codes of behaviour, the body at the centre of identity, representation and desire issues. The body threatened in its freedom and sovereignty by the arrangements of neocapitalism, the body as territory to be reclaimed.

Credits & mentions


Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences – Meylan and Atelier Arts Sciences, Grenoble

Théâtre Nouvelle Génération, National Drama Center, Lyon

Enghien-les-Bains Arts Center, publicly funded “digital writing” performance space 

L’EST, Grenoble

NEMO, International Biennial of Digital Arts, Paris/IDF


AADN – Digital Arts and Culture, Lyon

Scene 44, n + n Corsino, European performance space for choreographic creation and digital innovation, Marseille

Le Cube, Issy les Moulineaux

DICREAM, CNC – National Center for Cinematography and Animated Images

Creation produced in co-production with the CHRONIQUES platform, supported by the South Region, the City of Marseille and the French Institute in Paris, coordinated by SECONDE NATURE and ZINC.

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