Viens valeur

Rachel M.Cholz

ASMR vidéos

Viens Valeur is a project with a rather unusual style. It is directly inspired by the ASMR process – which is expanding on YouTube -. The idea is to showcase female ASMR youtubers by offering them a specific dramaturgy linked to their respective worlds. This project has developed around two concerns. Firstly, the use of objects for their sound, provoking semantic shifts in the face of the disinterest of the object as a carrier of meaning. Secondly, the project examines the networking of images, in this case iconic images, representative of the current digital era.

At first, ASMR was a process mainly concerned with sound, considering only the object and the hands in the frame. It then became just as visually involved, working on embodiment, beauty and visual identity in an iconic way, as muses and goddesses would do. This appropriation, as well as the different methods (through well-being, the performance of swallowing, or the sale of products) always point to the same face-to-face encounter: a phenomenal number of views, for a multiplied intimacy.

The two videos presented here are a collaboration with Kay ASMR.

Je mange mon visage echoes images from Je mange un nid d’abeilles géant. The two videos create a mise en abyme. When Kay’s mask of her own face induces her to whisper behind her own mouth before eating it, the honey is representative of mythological wealth and internet content, directly swallowed by the icon. The honey becomes a sugar image, like the Youtube interface itself.

© Kay ASMR


Credits & mentions

L’iMAL, les Pépinières européennes de création, La Fabrique de Théâtre, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Villa la Brugère, le Château Éphémère, Transcultures, le Poelp, la Bellone.