PERSPECTIVE[S], a new member of the Digital Art Club privately booked the exhibition ÉTERNITÉ PART I : avons-nous le temps pour l’éternité ?, which was being held at the Galerie Zola in Aix-en-Provence.

Partners and collaborators of PERSPECTIVE[S] were introduced to digital art and culture.

A sensorial and original introduction to digital technologies.

The exhibition, which deals with the race against time regarding the ongoing ecological crisis sparked discussions on:
– the current state of the ecosystem
– the challenges we will have to overcome as citizens and as businesses
– the social responsibility of businesses

Several responses were outlined, fostered by the diversity of the participants: business leaders and employees from every sector in the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolitan Area.

“Digital art and companies are a really good fit! There are some really interesting things to develop, which I find at once logical and instinctive” Romain Senatore – PERSPECTIVE[S]